When cutting veneer close to the center of the wood, more and bigger cracks will appear and those veneers are the material we use to make EF rustic. Some consider it as a low level cheap product but in fact it requires higher level of production technique. It has to be perfect in fillings, great visual balance between bigger colour variation, and transfer busy wood natural characters into artistic beauty

Our range 190019014/3mm sawn cut veneer rustic EF grade is the real definition of craftsman spirit. Drop lock system three layer construction, surface brushed and coated with PPG UV lacquer. Long term stable supply since every tree has a heart part so unlike clean grade our rustic never runs out of veneers.

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Wood Flooring Wholesale Can Be Easy & Safe

No matter what style of wood flooring you want, based on our extensive experience, we can manufacture it. In particular, our equipment supports various finishing techniques, which makes the final product distinguishable from the vast majority of wood flooring on the market.

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